Ảnh - truyện vui 2011-08-20 13:50:50

Bố Già là đây

[size=6][size=2]Dad: I want you to marry a girl of my choice!
Son: Nooo!
Dad: She is Bill Gates' daughter.
Son: In this case. It's O.K!

- Dad goes to Bill Gates -
Dad: I want your daughter to marry my son.
Bill Gates: Never!
Dad: My son is the CEO of the World Bank.
Bill Gates: Then O.K!

- Dad goes to the President of the World Bank -
Dad: Appoint my son as the CEO of your bank.
President: No!
Dad: He is the son-in-law of Bill Gates.
President: This case, O.K!

And that is how you do business![/size][/size]
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