Thần tượng của bạn 2010-06-24 09:36:59

Khi các sao bị soi !!!!

Jake Gyllenhaal stares at Jennifer Aniston's breasts at the GLADD Media Awards

Garry Marshall was seen "directing" Anne Hathaway when the actress auditioned for her persona in The Princess Diaries

Surely, Bruce Willis is not the prototypal to be caught admiring metropolis Berry's cleavage.

Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson

At the Golden Globe Awards, Puff Daddy could not help gawking at the breasts of co-presenter Jennifer Beil

Dustin Hoffman's eyes were immobile towards Angelina Jolie's breasts

Justin Timberlake gazes at the astonishment of Mother Nature of Janet

Director Woody Allen stares at Scarlett Johansson's breasts

American actress Kristen Bell and presenter of the radio and television Russell Brand
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