Khoa học - Lịch sử 2011-02-27 09:15:11

top sinh vật kỳ dị nhất quả đất

NONE OF THESE ARE PHOTOSHOPPED. Look them up yourselves on a search engine if you like… then brace.


no mate no

adopt me!

the tongue eating isopod, it eats the tongue then replaces it, NICE

little alien fecker

The maned fox

Mekong catfish, being stuffed

Amazon catfish

normal salamander

Japanese/Chinese Giant salamander (6.5ft/ 2m long)

the parasitic Candiru catfish
Do not swim in the amazon naked - it swims itself into peoples arses and imbeds itself inside.
Even worse it can get lodged in the head of the penis, and feed of fyour blood:

Giant jellyfish- dangerous

Tigerfish, Congo River

I don't know what the hell this is - any suggestions (no its not crocodilian, its a fish)

In Madagascar this animal is cursed, noone can even mention it's name.
To even see one means death. The aye aye:


Adult - check out the freaky fingers


Flying snakes (of course theyre just tree jumping species):

Indri, the worlds largest lemur, almost human sized:

Deep sea chimera

prehistoric shark rediscovered off Japan.
The frilled shark:

Goblin shark:

spooky, seal eating, polar bear chomping Greenland Sharks.
These are the biggest predatory sharks, not the Great White:

their teeth were so sharp Eskimos used to cut their hair with them

all sharks are blinded by a parasite (hence you can approach them). Noone really knows how they
are able to catch quick moving seals.

Oarfish, up to 50ft long

Megamouth shark, another rediscovered prehistoric species:

[size=1]image hosted on flickr[/size]
[size=1]image hosted on flickr[/size]

the Vampire squid, tendency to turn itself inside out:

New species, strange 23 ft long squid:

Cranchid Balloon Squid, cute lil fella:

33ft long Hamilton squid:

some weird spider

camel spiders. These aren't that big (will happily nuzzle into your palm),
but they are fuzzy and do have more than the 8 legs.:

the prehistoric Malaysian trapdoor spider
(count the legs again). It ambushes prey by flying out of a web
trapdoor at anything that rustles nearby e.g YOUR HAND.

someones gonna to get surprise:
Coconut crab:

Leopard Seal, 15ft long predator eats penguins and other seals.
Theyre as big as the biggest Great White sharks

they can weigh up to 11,000 lbs

The number of legs changes with the individual, from six to fourteen.
Sea spider (bit chewy).


Giant spider crab

[size=1]image hosted on flickr[/size]
[size=1]image hosted on flickr[/size]

Watutsi cattle, native to Kenya:

Do not piss off

Growing stages

the horns on this guy weigh 100lb a pop

South American Longhorn Beetle 16cm:

worlds smallest monkeys, pygmy marmosets

baby albino twins:

Make wicked finger puppets.
They don't enjoy it much tho.
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